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"Kri is a maker of change. She has a gift for facilitating personal, team-centric and communal transformation."


I am a Facilitator who builds communication and compassion with young and old. 

I am a listener, a weaver of ideas and a surveyor of solutions. I enjoy planning with clients to create discussion, creativity, trust and resolution for organizations that need help with diverse groups, large and small. I have been hired to serve as a group facilitator and catalyst for creativity (poetry, writing, self-expression) for a variety of audiences and clients: teenagers living in a foster care home, residents of an eldercare center, counselors who help victims of abuse, women serving time in a prison, veterans, people in recovery, homeless shelters, patients in cancer units,  variety of ages, adults and all levels of children. Funders have included the Kentucky Foundation for Women, Kentucky Center for the Arts Foundation, Simpatico Corporation, among others.



Fees on Request





Current and Past Clients


Earth & Spirit Center


Center for Women and Families


Choose Well Communities  


Sacred Sisterhood: Community outreach, programing, arts and healing projects, 

working with client for three years on projects in poetry and song, helped to create a video and images helpful for their fundraising


Unity Church of Louisville 


Our Lady of Peace: Created "circle of peace"  

workshops for different groups:

detox, youth, teens in detention, adult

psych unit with music, poetry, connection.


Governor's School for the Arts


Freedom House/Volunteers of America


Kentucky Center for Performing Arts: 

Healing Arts Program


Peace education: Participated in classes, helped with fundraising events and community outreach


Thomas Jefferson Universalist Unitarian Church:  youth programing, quarterly

elemental program and activism inspiration 






WFPK/ Power of Music Project: creator, organizer, director, facilitator for 3 years in 

youth musical empowerment project and summer camp


Louisville Earth Walk: written and presented poetry and spoken word for several audiences.


Our Voices

Singing, Sharing, Discovering.

with Heart

Connecting, Caring, Healing.

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